We found out: 25% of Indonesian with mental health troubles do not know which condition they have.
Not sure which mental condition you have?
Bluewell helps you find out. Learn below how

Student, F, 25
First I take deep breaths and then I say to myself you can do it. You're great. You're well prepared and just be yourself.
Student, M, 21
I don't dare to speak to my family about my mental issues. It's simply too personal, and I think they don't realize they are part of the problem.
Intern, F, 22
I have previously used an App, and it was not helpful. What Bluewell has shown me seems AMAZING, exactly what I need. I hope it comes soon to SG.

Discover the Bluewell functions
Mood barometer
Check-in daily - Bluewell will keep track of your mood for you.

Do you know why exercise makes you feel happier?
Bluewell will give you daily tips to improve your mind, tailored to your needs.
Daily recommendation

Coming soon
Stay tuned

Seek support via our community. Find likeminded people and learn more about anxiety.
Our Vision
Mental wellbeing for everybody
That is the vision of our founder Rama. Growing up in Jakarta, he experienced how many of his friends were struggling with negative thoughts and the pressure that society puts us under every day. He brought together a team to found Bluewell to be able to offer mental support to everybody - regardless of distance, age, sex and time. Bluewell increases accessability to affordable mental support to erase the boundaries of mental wellbeing.